Carlo Acutis: The First Millennial Saint and the Patron of the Internet

In the modern age, where technology and faith often seem at odds, the story of Carlo Acutis stands out as a beacon of how these realms can coexist harmoniously. Acutis, a teenager who passed away from leukemia in 2006 at the age of 15, is on the path to becoming the first millennial saint, known affectionately as “God’s influencer.” His life and the miracles attributed to him are compelling narratives that bridge the gap between traditional faith and contemporary life.

Who Was Carlos Acutis?

Carlo Acutis was born on May 3, 1991, in London but moved to Milan, Italy, with his family shortly thereafter. From a young age, he demonstrated a profound spirituality and a deep devotion to the Catholic faith. Despite his youth, Carlo managed to integrate his religious devotion with his love for technology and gaming. He was known for his computer skills, using them to create a website cataloging Eucharistic miracles around the world—a project that has inspired many.

Carlo was particularly devoted to the Eucharist, often saying, “The Eucharist is my highway to heaven.” He attended daily Mass, frequently prayed the Rosary, and spent hours in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. His life, though brief, was marked by a simplicity and purity that endeared him to many. He used his tech-savviness to evangelize, making him a relatable figure for young Catholics and earning him the potential title of patron of the internet.

The Miracles Attributed to Carlo Acutis

For someone to be declared a saint in the Catholic Church, evidence of at least two miracles attributed to their intercession is required. For Carlo Acutis, these miracles occurred after his death and have been scrutinized by both religious authorities and medical professionals.

First Miracle: The first miracle occurred in 2013, six years after Carlo’s death. A Brazilian boy suffering from a rare and severe pancreatic disease was reportedly cured after praying to Carlo for intervention. This healing was deemed medically inexplicable by the doctors involved, a critical criterion for the validation of a miracle by the Vatican.

Second Miracle: The second miracle, which propelled Carlo closer to sainthood, happened in 2022. A 21-year-old Costa Rican girl experienced a severe brain injury following a bicycle accident in Florence. Her recovery was unexpected and rapid, occurring after her family prayed to Carlo for help. Again, medical professionals could not explain her swift healing, meeting the necessary conditions for a recognized miracle.

The Path to Canonization

Carlo Acutis was beatified on October 10, 2020, in Assisi, Italy, a significant step towards sainthood. Beatification requires one verified miracle, which in Carlo’s case was the healing of the Brazilian boy. With the second miracle confirmed, the process towards canonization, which is the final step in declaring a person a saint, is now underway.

The Vatican’s rigorous process involves detailed investigations into the candidate’s life, virtues, and the miracles attributed to them. In the case of Carlo Acutis, his beatification already marked him as “Blessed,” allowing public veneration in specific locations. Canonization would make this veneration universal within the Catholic Church.

A Modern Saint for Modern Times

Carlo Acutis’s potential canonization is significant not just for the miracles attributed to him but also for what he represents. In an era where the internet and digital technologies dominate everyday life, Carlo’s use of these tools to spread his faith presents a new model of sainthood. He demonstrates that modern technology can be harnessed to deepen spirituality and evangelize effectively.

As the first millennial saint, Carlo serves as a role model for young Catholics worldwide. His life story is a testament to the idea that holiness is accessible to everyone, regardless of age or era. His canonization is anticipated to inspire a renewed interest in faith among younger generations and reinforce the Church’s presence in the digital world.

Carlo Acutis’s legacy is a powerful reminder that sainthood is not confined to ancient times or figures distant from contemporary life. His impending canonization underscores the universal call to holiness and the relevance of faith in the modern world. As we await the final steps in his canonization process, Carlo Acutis stands as a shining example of how traditional values and modern tools can coexist to inspire a global community.