History & Biographies

St. Maria Goretti: A Model of Forgiveness and Purity

Virgin and Martyr 
•Feast day: July 6 

St. Maria Goretti was born on October 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, Italy, to Luigi Goretti and Assunta Carlini. Her family was deeply religious, and they lived a life of simplicity and hard work. The Gorettis were poor farmers, and after moving to the Pontine Marshes in search of better opportunities, they worked tirelessly to sustain themselves. Despite their poverty, Maria’s parents instilled in her strong Christian values, particularly emphasizing the importance of faith, purity, and forgiveness.

Tragic Incident and Martyrdom

Maria’s life was marked by a tragic and transformative event that would lead to her recognition as a martyr and saint. On July 5, 1902, when Maria was just 11 years old, she was attacked by Alessandro Serenelli, a 20-year-old neighbor. Alessandro attempted to assault her, but Maria resisted, defending her purity. In a fit of rage, Alessandro stabbed her 14 times. Despite her grievous injuries, Maria survived for about 24 hours. During this time, she expressed forgiveness towards her attacker, stating, “I forgive Alessandro Serenelli… and I want him with me in heaven forever.” Her act of forgiveness and her commitment to her faith, even in the face of death, have made her a powerful symbol of purity and mercy.

Path to Sainthood

Maria Goretti’s death had a significant impact on her community and beyond. Alessandro Serenelli was apprehended and sentenced to 30 years in prison. While in prison, Alessandro experienced a deep conversion after a dream in which Maria appeared to him, offering forgiveness and flowers. Upon his release, he sought forgiveness from Maria’s mother, Assunta, who readily forgave him.

Maria Goretti’s cause for canonization began soon after her death, spurred by numerous reports of miracles attributed to her intercession. On April 27, 1947, Pope Pius XII beatified Maria, and on June 24, 1950, she was canonized as a saint, becoming one of the youngest saints in the Catholic Church. Her mother, Assunta, was present at both the beatification and canonization ceremonies, making it a unique and touching moment in the history of the Church.

Legacy and Influence

St. Maria Goretti’s legacy continues to inspire millions around the world. She is often invoked as a patroness of purity, youth, and victims of assault. Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the power of forgiveness and the strength of faith. Many churches, schools, and institutions are named in her honor, and her feast day, celebrated on July 6, is a significant day for many Catholics who seek her intercession.

In a world often marked by violence and a lack of forgiveness, St. Maria Goretti’s life and death offer a powerful testimony to the transformative power of mercy and the importance of holding fast to one’s values. Her story encourages the faithful to seek purity and forgiveness, to stand firm in their faith, and to believe in the possibility of redemption and conversion for even the most hardened hearts.