Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows
The Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows is a deeply moving and reflective devotion that invites the faithful to unite with the Virgin Mary in her holy grief and suffering. Known as the Mater Dolorosa, or Mother of Sorrows, this devotion highlights the seven sorrows Mary endured, especially as she witnessed the Passion and Crucifixion of her son, Jesus Christ. This prayer is a powerful means of seeking comfort, strength, and intercession from Mary in times of personal suffering and trial.
The devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows dates back to the early centuries of Christianity. It was formalized in the 13th century by the Servite Order, also known as the Servants of Mary. The Seven Sorrows of Mary became a focal point for meditation, and the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows was established to honor these moments of suffering. This devotion spread throughout the Christian world, with many finding solace in Mary’s example of great faith and compassion in the face of immense pain.
Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows
Hallowed Mother, do this favor: Those Wounds that gored my Savior, deeply on my heart engraved. Mine it be, Christ's throes in sharing. Mine it be, his anguish bearing. These, his wounds, to keep in mind. From the flame of hell unending, be thou, Virgin, me defending, in that dreadful reckoning day! When in death my eyes are closing, open them, Lord, to see reposing, Victory's crown in Mary's hand. When my frame by death is broken, and my doom by thee is spoken, be it, Lord, the better land. Amen.
I beseech you, O Lord Jesus Christ, that the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose most holy soul was pierced in the hour of your Passion by the sword of sorrow, may intercede for us with Your mercy now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Saints Devoted to Our Lady of Sorrows
Numerous saints have shown a deep devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows, finding inspiration and strength in her example. St. Alphonsus Liguori, a Doctor of the Church, wrote extensively about Mary’s sorrows, emphasizing their significance in understanding her role in salvation history. St. Bridget of Sweden received visions that highlighted Mary’s sufferings, which further popularized this devotion. Additionally, St. Padre Pio, known for his own experiences of suffering, had a profound devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows, often meditating on her pain and seeking her intercession.
Insights of the Prayer
The Prayer to Our Lady of Sorrows captures the essence of this devotion with vivid imagery and heartfelt petitions. The prayer begins with a plea to the “Hallowed Mother” to engrave the wounds of Christ deeply on the heart of the supplicant. This reflects a desire to share in Christ’s suffering and to keep his Passion at the forefront of one’s mind. The prayer continues with a request for Mary’s defense against the flames of hell and for her intercession at the hour of death, illustrating a trust in her maternal protection and guidance.
In the concluding part of the prayer, the supplicant asks that their eyes be opened to see the “Victory’s crown in Mary’s hand” and for a better land in the afterlife. This highlights the hope for eternal salvation and the comfort of Mary’s presence at the moment of judgment. The final petition to Jesus Christ emphasizes the belief in Mary’s powerful intercession, especially in the hour of death.
This prayer is a profound expression of faith, offering a deep connection to Mary’s sorrows and seeking her intercession in moments of personal anguish. Through this devotion, the faithful find a model of strength, compassion, and faith in the face of suffering.