
Why Do We Recite The “Hail Mary” Plenty Of Times?

We have to understand that when we recite the Hail Mary, we are honoring the mother of God. The blessed virgin, full of grace!

Why do we repeat this prayer again and again?

The short answer is: To say it once is not enough. To say it a million times, is still not enough!

Let me put it this way. When a man find’s a certain woman beautiful, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. The fluttering feeling becomes so strong that his thoughts manifests into words. That’s when he would start telling the woman how beautiful she is again and again. To say it once would be an understatement.

That’s how we should venerate Mary. Always having her in our thoughts as the most blessed among all women. For the graces that has been bestowed upon her by God is truly overflowing.

What sort of veneration is the Hail Mary?

When I was a kid, my grandmother used to force me to pray the Rosary. I actually hated it because I didn’t like how repetitive it was. When I asked her why was the manner of praying it that repetitive, I didn’t think she knew exactly what was the answer except that she loved reciting it. At that time, I just came with a conclusion that the boredom and repetitiveness that comes with praying it was a form of “sacrifice”.

But I couldn’t be anymore wrong with that thought. I’ve realized that saying the rosary is not a sacrifice but an immense privilege. Imagine being able to ask the Mother of God for favors “now and at the hour of our death”!

And so when we say those words again, we should say them with a heart that is full of love and admiration for her. Never counting how many have we recited, but wishing that we can say it even more.