
Prayer to St. John Marie Vianney for the Benefit of Priests

Saint John Marie Vianney, also known as the Curé of Ars, is revered as the patron saint of parish priests for his devout pastoral care and profound dedication to the spiritual well-being of his parishioners. Born in 1786 in Dardilly, France, Vianney endured numerous challenges on his path to priesthood, including academic struggles and the turmoil of the French Revolution. Despite these obstacles, he became renowned for his piety, humility, and extraordinary ability to guide souls towards faith and repentance. His tireless efforts transformed the small, rural parish of Ars into a vibrant center of pilgrimage and spiritual renewal.

This is a heartfelt prayer to Saint John Marie Vianney, seeking his intercession and inspiration for both clergy and laypeople striving to deepen their faith and commitment to their spiritual journeys.

Prayer to St. John Marie Vianney

Dear St. St. John Marie Vianney, your childhood dreams was to be a priest, to win souls for God. You endured years of toil and humiliation to attain the Priesthood. You become a Priest truly after God's own heart, outstanding in humility and poverty; prayer and mortification.

The Church has exalted you as model and patron saint of all parish priests, trusting that your example and prayers will help them to live up to the high dignity of their vocation to be faithful servants of God's people, to be perfect imitators of Christ the Savior who came not be served but to serve, to give his Life in ransom for many.

Pray that God may give to his Church today many more priests after his own Heart. Pray for all the priests under your patronage, that they may be worthy representatives of Christ the Good Shepherd. May they wholeheartedly devote themselves to prayer and penance; be examples of humility and poverty; shining models of holiness; tireless and powerful preachers of the Word of God; zealous dispensers of God's Grace in the Sacraments. May their loving devotion to Jesus in the Eucharist and to Mary his Mother be the twin fountains of fruitfulness for their ministry.
