Catholic Family

How To Protect A Child From Spiritually Harmful Literature

There are plenty of books today that may be damaging to a child’s spiritual well-being. These books are sold online and even easily seen at the children’s sections of bookstores, often having colorful and silly characters on their covers. Which are designed to attract the interests and curiosity of kids. Parents must know how to protect children from these kinds of harmful literature by first acknowledging the obvious signs of their nature.

A sample of books that are bad for a children are books that feature monsters as friends. A book was recently published that encourages children to imagine relationships with demons, draw and color pictures of them, name them, and even ask them for assistance whenever they’re in trouble. Some of these books even have stories that appeal to the liking of children. Such as having tales of adventure and friendship.

Examples of books with covers that depict demons as cute and friendly

Some authors of these kinds books admit that the main audience of their works are indeed children, and that they’re not meant as satires. Others say that they’re just trying to be playful with the characters by giving them a quirky take that appeals to kids. Whatever they say their intentions are, there is definitely an unacceptable agenda that may trigger severe downsides in the spiritual lives of the family who brings these insidious literature into their home. And sadly, the targets are the most innocent ones in the family.

How to give advice to children on what books they should not read

It is essential for parents to protect children by giving sound advice that is actually understandable for their age. Do not be dismissive of these harmful things that makes the bad look good in their eyes.

A good advice to give children is to tell them to look away from “colorful demons” the same way grown ups were once told when they were young to look away when they see people kissing in the movies. Calmly inform them that demons are always bad and that they are tricksters that can use cuteness and silliness as means to trick kids. Teach them and tell them things that will help them lose interest in these characters when they see them at the book shelves. In other words, tell the truth to them in ways that they would understand.

Other advice to protect your kids from harmful literature

  • Always check on what books they bring home or what books you buy them. Read the contents and analyze if the book is inline with Catholic teaching or at least is considered as child-friendly.
  • Read with them. Develop a bond with your kids by reading with them. By this, you can answer their questions when something sparks their curiosity. Being proactive in answering them can strengthen the trust they have for you.
  • Discuss with you kid’s teacher or principal at school what sorts of children’s books are being used.
  • Play and spend time with your children more often so you may see and understand what kind of imaginative behavior your kids have. Having an understanding of their unique and creative minds can help you guide them through their childhood.