
6 Lines In The Film ‘There Be Dragons’ That Captivate Me

Themed out of the Spanish Civil War in the 30’s, There Be Dragons (2011) is a movie about St. Josemaria Escriva and the struggles of humanity with its inner demons. If you are like me who is a big fan of the works of St. Josemaria, then this movie should be in your bucket list.

I’ve been moved deeply by the books and works of St. Josemaria ever since I graduated out of high school. His teachings helped a lot in building the foundations of my Christian faith. But this movie took my interests to a whole new level.

The quality of the production and casting of There Be Dragons is top notch for a christian genre film. But what captivated me the most were the speeches. As I watched through it, I’d pick up some nuggets of wisdom which refreshed my spirit.

Here 6 lines from ‘There Be Dragons’ that captivated me the most

1.) About the ordinary examples of Christ
“Jesus spent most of his life working in a shop in Nazareth”

There Be Dragons (2011)

When criticized by his superior about Opus Dei’s lack of holy vows and traditions, Josemaria shed light on the humble but holy life of Christ as a carpenter.

2.) A refreshing perspective.
“God’s world is so full of goodness. If we do them for love, each daily task can give him glory”

There Be Dragons (2011)

St. Josemaria has always championed sainthood of the laity through ordinary work. We are reminded by him that being a saint is not exclusive to people from religious vocations but for everyone.

3.) It’s not about being religious. It’s about being holy.
Manolo: “I left because I wasn’t priest material, as you know.”
Josemaria: “Well maybe not. It doesn’t mean you’re not saint material”

There Be Dragons (2011)

Manolo rolls his eyes while he lights a cigarette after an optimistic expression from Josemaria. Like Manolo, many of us are hurting from he many painful struggles of our lives. We start to believe and even fight for worldly causes but the movie did good in making us focus on our path to holiness instead.

4.) You can’t fight fire with fire.
“We’re building something vital here together. Now! Especially now! We have to be sowers of peace and joy”

There Be Dragons (2011)

Our “dragons” have always weaponized our miseries against us. But even in the toughest times, let us make the effort to sow what is right and just in this world. With faithful understanding that one day it will grow fruitful in God’s perfect time.

5.) We are all the same.
“No human being, not one of us, is free from human weakness. No one!”

There Be Dragons (2011)

This scene reopens my eyes about our fragility. Which means all of us needs to have God in our lives and follow in the footsteps of Jesus.

6.) Forgiveness, a weapon of the warriors of God.
Josemaria: “Our faith is a gift and God has called us to manifest it in love here on earth. Unwavering love for every child of God no matter who it is. No matter what side, no mater what circumstances…”
Juan: “Even if they are wrong?!”
Josemaria: “Yes Juan! Even if they are wrong!”

There Be Dragons (2011)

It is easy to take pleasure on belittling those who are wrong. Especially those who have greatly sinned. But to take pleasure on such matters is just as futile as the sinner’s actions. Therefore, love is our only fruitful option.