What to Pray While in Line for Confession: Preparing with the Examination of Conscience and The Memorare
When waiting for your turn in confession lines, it’s essential to ready oneself spiritually for the transformative experience that awaits. Rather than viewing the queue as an inconvenience, consider it a unique opportunity to engage in prayer and meditation. Here, we explore the significance of spiritual preparation and delve into the powers of the Examination of Conscience and the Memorare prayer as a valuable companion during this sacred moment. This is the perfect time to create a sincere heart and make resolutions for personal growth and commit to avoiding past sins.
First, while in line for confession, express gratitude for the opportunity to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. Acknowledge the love and mercy of God and that he himself has lead you to this moment. Recognize this as a chance for spiritual renewal. Second, take advantage of the quiet moment to enter a state of prayerful meditation.
Then, proceed to doing these:
1.) Do an Examination of Conscience – the Chronological Method
Take a moment for self-reflection using the chronological method of the Examination of Conscience. Tailor your examination to the frequency of your confessions, whether yearly, monthly, or even daily.
- If doing a general confession, especially if you haven’t had a confession for a long time in years, review you sins year by year.
- If you do your confessions several times a year, review your sins week by week.
- If you plan to do your confession weekly, review your sins day by day.
- If you plan to do your confession daily, review your sins hour by hour.
If you have mortal sins, it is important to remember how many times that particular mortal sin was done, or at the very least, have a general idea how frequent that mortal sin is committed. While you review your sins, humble yourself, ask pardon and beg the Holy Spirit for the grace to amend your life.
2.) Pray The Memorare
The Memorare, a cherished Catholic prayer, serves as an ideal companion for those facing challenging confessions. As you prepare for this sacrament, turn to the Blessed Virgin, seeking her intercession and assistance. The Memorare is a powerful plea for Mary’s help, emphasizing her role as a compassionate advocate. Use this prayer to ask for strength, courage, and the grace to make a sincere and contrite confession.
The Memorare Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
Remember, the moments spent in line for confession can be transformed into a spiritually enriching experience with the right preparation. By incorporating self-reflection, powerful prayers like the Memorare, and a focus on spiritual growth, one can make the most of this sacred opportunity for reconciliation. As you embark on this journey, may your heart be open to God’s mercy and grace, leading you towards a deeper connection with Him.